HMS Code of Conduct

  • Release date: 2024-11-19
  • Study time:  00:20 hours
Write your awesome label here.
Welcome to this training on the HMS Code of Conduct. The training is mandatory for all staff and consists of 12 sections.

It takes 15-20 minutes to do.

Please view the videos, read the text and answer the checkpoint questions.

 To receive the certificate, simply make sure all questions are answered correctly. If needed, you can always retake each individual test to achieve this.

Good luck!
  • HMS-01
  • Level: BASIC
  • Access: Internal
  • Certificate: YES

Published by Anybus

Anybus is a product brand of HMS Networks, the leading independent manufacturer of products for industrial communication.
Anybus operates as a Business Unit and is based in Halmstad, Sweden.
HMS, including Anybus, enables valuable data and insights for industrial equipment, allowing customers to increase productivity and sustainability.